Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Cookie for life

        Late in a day while finishing up my homework, I was inspired to bake a cookie. I started with looking up the ingredient and recipe as a regular cookie. Then, I adapted into a coffee cookie with a chocolate almond dip. A taste of a coffee is representing the bitterness of life that we all have to face. Sweetness is a life after learning what is a bitter in life. Yet, fun and obstacle are mixers that make your life in a middle path because always have those things to make it up for you.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Improving the cupcakes

   After the first time I have done the cupcakes from scratch. It turns out okay. Some said that they like the based cake better. Some also said they like both. Oh well! Thats part of marketing in the restaurant. You can not make everyone favorite but you can make majority of them like yours. that's a FACT!

    Fortunately, Sara sent me a link how to make a foundation of the cake. Thank you Sara for that!:D So I started doing that by divided into three and moving some ingredients around. And again this cupcakes will not be make if Marissa didn't let me borrow her strand mixers. Thanks once more time.
I came up with 6 flavor of cupcakes which are Thai tea, Corn, Berries, Peach &orange, Almond with chocolate, and apple with honey. Everything getting better and better because "Practice make it perfect!"

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Resulting for first time

        Hi guys, I was finishing this cupcakes On Nov 8, 2014. I have been so busy lately. Thank you to Marissa who letting me use the stand mixer (Kitchen Aid). I made a Vanilla Cupcakes with M&M as the base. I did strawberry frosting and I was dropping the Vanilla Flavor so much so it came out weird. I brought to school so my friends could try it. They said, " they love the base of the cake but not so much on the topping".

The Ingredients are............ ( picture below)




Thursday, November 13, 2014

Blog #10: EQ

1) I reviewed the rule of three for writing an EQ.

2) a) It's not meet the rule of three because the wording is some how understand but not as clear.
    b) It's meet the rule of three.
    c) It's meet the rule of three because it's specific but you can take a stand and have  a depth into it. ( I like this one)
   d) It's meet the rule of three and open many possible answer.

3) a) How to manage Thai cuisine in the United States when the minimum wage is increasing?
    b) What are the best factor for the customers choose to dine in Thai cuisine?

Friday, November 7, 2014

Updating on My Independent Component

               Hi guys, I want to thank you to all of you for have been checking at my blog. In this post I will talk more about my first independence component. On last Wednesday I went to shopping for my cupcakes ingredients and materials. I was trying to update on the blog but do to the blog difficulties I wan't able too.At my older post which is my plan for my next component in senior project, I have been talking that I want to invest a Thai tea cupcakes and Mango Sticky rice cupcakes to City Thai restaurant at Old Town Pasadena. Today I went to shopping my ingredients and materials to make a regular cupcakes. Honestly, this is my first time to make a cupcake from scratch. It's really scare me but excited at the same times. Ohh well how you going to know how to make cupcakes if I don't try it. Shopping for making a cupcake completely different from shopping in the restaurant. It's actually harder than I thought. It's too details in little cutie stuffs but I enjoy to buying it. Now! I think It's time for me to get start it. Wish me luck & have a nice the rest of your day. 

Wonder how it will turn out............

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Blog #9: Lesson 1 Reflection

1) What are you most proud of in your Lesson 1 Presentation and why?

        I would say I proud of myself that I can present in front of the class without a notecard everything just from inside my head and the experiences that I have done. When I presented old fashion, It helps me feel my own passion and try to give out the informations to others. It's the first time ever! Ipoly always bring new challenges that I never ever done before but it is great so I can learn more.

2) Question to consider
        a) What assessment would you give yourself on your Lesson 1 Presentation (self-assessment)?
                 I think I deserve a P or P-.
        b) Explain why you deserve that grade using evidence from the Lesson 1 component contact.
                 I got all of my plan outline and turn the rough & Final draft on time. I went over time like 2-3 that what the rubric says.

3) What worked for you in your Lesson 1?

        Honestly, I love to present in the old fashion style because it helps me feel my own passion deeply which I never feel that before. Even though this presentation style makes me nervous more than the regular one but I have more chance to eyes contact and interact with others more. Also, in order to do this type of presentation you have to extremely and clearly understand your knowledges, organize your outlines severals times, and transform into your own style of presenting.

4) ( What did't work) If you had a time machine, what would you have done different'y to improve your Lesson 1?

     I would try to change my hook up activity from asking question to something else. GOTTA BE CREATIVE! For the pros that I giving out I would think something that simple and relate to my topic. Honestly, I thought I'm going to give out the brochure or the pocket book at first. Then, I have changed my mind because It's too simple and people will do it normally. I just wanna do something that different and symbolic that's why I came up with the bookmark idea. During the presentation I would make sure my time is meet not go over it but the fact is I have so many things that I want to share to the class. When I was practice my time is 20.37 mins, I have to cut half of what I am going to say out which make me sad but ohh well you have to do it. When I present it, I was go over time like 2-3 more mins, I would say I would have to learn how to organize what I'm going to say better. Seriously, it's also due to my English barrier that I have less time than others to talk cause I'm not talking that fast but I have so much to say which is frustrate me sometimes. Ms. Laussa told me that I need to slow down when I talk to make the flow. I just don't know how to fix that because I want to share my informations that I have but there is not enough time for me to do that. Also, I will bring something that relate my topic more such as the posters but have to be creative.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Blog #8: Research and Working EQ

1)What is your working EQ?
          EQ: What is the best way to manage a Thai cuisine when a minimum wage is increasing?\

2) What is a possible answer to your working EQ? Please write the answer in thesis format.
  • The owner should reduce labor cost.
  • The owner increase an reasonable price according to the cost of living.
  • The owner should search and stock up the food and supplies as on sale but do not over stock beyond the expiration date.
  • The chef should present the food that look massively portion than it should be.
3) What is the most important source you have used that has helped you come up with an answer to your working EQ?

      From the book called "It's all about the guest" by Steve Difllippo is the most helpful resource that I have so far.

4) Who is your mentor, or where are you doing mentorship, and how does what you are doing relate to your working EQ?

       My mentor is Mr.Chukiat Navasu who is the owner of City Thai restaurant. I'm currently working in this restaurant. Right now, I am working as a front house which helped me to consider how our customers response and how should I handle it. My grandparents and I also discuss about how the waiters and waitresses work in the restaurant. Is it worth to hire them and what might need to change? Beside that My grandpa start teaching inventories to me. In the back house, I learn how to put food on the plates or bowls.


Thursday, October 9, 2014

Spicy Spaghetti with coconut shrimp

 It has been a pretty exhausting day....... I asked myself what I can make a simplest meal for me....... I want to eat something really spicy that make my tears dropped....... I want to have egg,  shrimps, and spaghetti combine in a dish....... So I come up with this plate for my dinner....... You might think this is what I thought the simplest meal....... That's me always go for complicate thing even try to be a simple person on earth.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Blog #7: Independent Component 1 Approval

1) Describe in detail what you plan to do for your 30 hours.

      According to my mentorship at City Thai Cuisine, I would like to invent a Thai Tea cupcake and Mango Sticky Rice cupcake to this restaurant. It's a combination between Thai and America culture food. This idea inspires by having inadequacy of selling desert at the restaurant. I want to create something unique but yet eatable for others. I will start off this independent component by learning how to bake a cupcake. After that I will adapt into Thai version for both cupcake and designing the presentation of the cupcakes.
Thai Tea cupcake
  • Adding the thai tea as the base of cupcake. ( 
  • Using half and half as the frosting. 
  • Sprinkles on top of the frosting.
Mango Sticky Rice cupcake
  • Using Pandan as the base of the cupcake. (
  • Adding the mango and sticky rice on top of it.
        This is just only the producing the products. Following plan that I have is selling them at the restaurant within a month. I will collect the data about how much do I sell, profits, and the initial expenses. when I sell these cupcakes, I will create a flyer and adverting it as well. I will hand out the survey for complimenting and criticizing.

2) Discuss how or what you will do to meet the expectation of showing 30 hours of evidence. 
       I personally believe that I will make this over 30 hours due to the selling time can't just estimate only 30 hours plus all the time that I have to learn how to make the cupcakes delicious and presentable. I will learn how to make a cupcake and frosting from the cooking book. Also, I will learn how to make sticky rice and thai tea from my mentors. I will prove this process by taking pictures and creating the video for this component. Beside that I will link to my daily accounting for this particularly expenses and the survey.

3) Explain how what you will be doing will help you explore your topic in more depth.
         I believe this component will help me explore my topic in depth by learning skills hands-on that the owner should have such as know how to cook, advertise, and manage in the restaurant. I think that will be a good starter for me to experience how it was like to manage part of the restaurant sell in real life with customers. 

4) Updated my Senior Project Log: Click Here.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

My favorite curry

         Looking into the brightness of this curry..... Tasting the softness of chickens..... Seeing the crusty of vegetables....and feeling the juicy with sweetness of pineapples..... That's the sign of my delicious yellow curry.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Blog 6 - Second Interview Preperation

1) Who is you mentor and where do they work?

              I do have so many mentor in this professional because restaurant management is not only about managing business. It's also about how to cook the food, severing others, and cleaning supplies. My main mentor would be Mr. Chukiat Navasu, the owner of the City Thai cuisine  in Old Town Pasadena. There are also waiters, waitresses, dishwasher, and chefs as my other mentors as well. They are all working in the same place, City That cuisine 

2) What five questions will you ask them about their background?

  • Why do you choose to open Thai restaurant in Old Town Pasadena? What is some of your advantage from that?
  • You have been working for 7 years, what do you get out from that?
  • How experiences in the restaurant are different from other business and what is might required more?
  • You have been opening your restaurant about 7 years ago, What is might be your obstacle and how you over come?
  • What are the tips to make your restaurant more efficiently and stay in this past 7 years?
  • If you have a chance to redo everything from the beginning, what are the things you might change and why?
  • Why do you choose to open Thai restaurant in Old Town Pasadena? What is some of your advantage from that?
  • What is changing you from an engineer to an owner of the restaurant?
  • Do you write a business plan when you first started?

Monday, September 8, 2014

Blog 5 - Mentorship Reflection

1) Mentorship question: Describe your experience in how you found your mentorship? If you haven't found one yet, describe your experience so far in the search of a mentor.
             Fortunately, my mentorship is easily to find on my topic as culinary art management. My mentorship is actually my grandfather as the starter. Then, he also introduced me to learn from the chefs, waiters and waitress, and dishwashers. Please don't get me wrong that is not the reason why I want to do this particularly topic. I have been helping in this restaurant since I was freshman year. I am a person who love to challenge myself whenever I can. My work is always have a new thing to learn in everyday as my life move on. I believe working in the restaurant is the best fit what I am wanting to do for my future. The reason why I choose this topic is I have a passion and want to learn more about the restaurant management in details. I want to learn this profession as a worker not a relative of the owner. People who are working in this restaurant treat me fairly like I'm one of the worker in there. No playing favorite or anything. That's what I like about this! I felt like we are family.  

2) Research question: What has been your most important article you have read so far and why?

          The most important book that I have read so far is "Opening a restaurant" by Sharon Fullen because this book is talking about why do we need a business plan before we start a business, what we required to have, and who we are able to share this informations. I believe this is the most significant book that I have read so far because I never thought the business plan that important to have in order to open the restaurant efficiently. It actually save up a lot of your time before you gambling your money in a certain business.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

A Dishwasher Story

         Hello everyone! As you can see my senior topic is about the Thai restaurant management, I will give you a tour in every single month what is like to work in the restaurant. Everything that I will show you it will be hands-on experiences. For this month I would like to present you about a dishwasher………….
I primarly clean all the glasses from these glass brushes.
Using the washing machine to wash all the glasses, plates, and bowls after use the primarily clean.

Before we let all the plates dry we put in the washing machine two times which is about 10 mins per round. 

          Let's me tell you about my story how I become a dishwasher. I have learn so many things during my mentorship in summer but there is the only job that's I am not allow to do during that time is a dishwasher. I was a little bit sad because I really want to experience how is this job like. Plus if you want to become a restaurant manager you have to know how to do every single thing in the restaurant in order to it runs effectively. I talked to my friends and they questions at me why do I want to be a dishwasher so bad. Honesty, people might feel this job is a little bit dirty and tired. Fortunately, one day during this month the dishwasher cannot working on that day. So I'm asking the managers, " Could I try to be a dishwasher like a day?". Then, he said, " Yes". I was feeling that my dream comes true. I put my raincoat on because when I use a shower, in the second picture, to clean the dishes, water was all over me. This job is exhausting like I never thought before but well I make it through a day. I have learn so many things from this job and never get tired of this career. For me everything that I can learn from this profession I would love to give it a try because everything you are working on there is always a foundation of some skills behind it. 

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Blog #4: Interview Preparation


1) I planned to interview an owner of City Thai restaurant because I wonder what is his perspective in his profession and I actually do the mentorship there.

2) The addition questions that I planned to ask are:

  1. How long have you been experienced in this profession? 
  2. What is your motivation to working in this profession and why is that important to you?
  3. What is you perspective about this profession? what is the factor that might affect your aspect?
  4. What are the pro's and con's working in the restaurant business? 
  5. There are so many opportunities for you to choose what type of business you would like to do, but why do you choose Culinary Art field as your priority? 
  6. What are those skills that you have to have to become a successful business in restaurant? Why are those skills important to you?

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Saturday, August 23, 2014

A Healthy Smoothy

Thank you to Ms. Marissa Jazzo who has inspired me to make this tasty Smoothy for our hangout. Amazing day with amazing friend.  <3

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Teenager Value Dish

By Papitchaya Sutthisoonthorn at Aug 21, 2014 10:02 PM.

Are you ran out of idea to eat? I created a new dinner dish for you. Actually, this is my first creation dish of my senior year. When you look at it, you might think it's interesting until I tell you what I put in there. This plate is for a teenager like us mostly because it contains protein, vegetable, fruit, carbohydrate, and a good lipid. Vegetarians are allow for this dish too. Don't hesitate to try! 

Blog #3: Topic Choice and Working EQ

1) Thai Culinary Art Management 

2) How to make your Thai cuisine effectively?

3) This is my Working Bibliography (WB) Click here.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Blog #2: Summer Mentorship

2. What is the contact name & number of where you volunteered?   
Chukiat Navasu
City Thai cuisine: 48 S Fair Oaks Ave, Pasadena, CA 91105   

3.  What questions were raised because of the 10 hours of experience?  List them.  


  •  The reporting tax in every month in the restaurant you have 24 days more after the deadlines.
  • What is the purpose of doing accounting?
  • Why do you need fill it out in every single detail of what is going on with the financial of the restaurant?
  • Is the number of the ticket is important and why?
  • Why the owner have to buy supplies to the restaurant from a different places?
  • How do the owner knows which store have the least cost for certain item?

  • Why do we have three section of washing place? Is it the requirement?
  • Why we let the dishes dry on their own instead of cleaning it after pulling out of the dishwasher machine?
  • Why we have to wash all the glasses two times and using the brushes first?

  • How do the chief organize their time using it wisely to create food?
  • How many time they have to try which is the best way to do this particular food?
  • Why we have to touch the squid when we cover with bread crumb genuinely when we are doing calamari?
  • For calamari, Why we cannot put the squid way to close but it can be attach?
  • For wonton, Why you we have holes at the end of both side?
  • Why we use egg instead of water or powder to close the wonton?
  • Why you we have trick in everything that we made?
  • How to get the food on time?
  • Is there any way to make the food faster?
  • How to put the food in the plate nicely?

  • For the salad preparation for lunch, why do we adding a little bit of water into the bucket ?
  • Why we have to wash the lettuce in the right amount cannot be too much or too little?  What might affect them?
  • Why do we have to refill the water before it ran out?
  • Why do we always have to prepare serving stuff in everyday?
  • Why do we have to refill and clean the three statue everyday?
  • Why do we have to using the bloom and vacuum cleaner cleaning the restaurant everyday ?
  • Why do we have to clean the soda refills machine everyday?
  • How we can satisfied the customer and make them feel want to come back?


4. What is the most important thing you gained from this experience? Why?
Based on experience that I have been working in the restaurant the most important thing that I gained from is this experience is relationship between customers and waiter. No matters how well the waiter serving to customer the customer is always right. The waiters always have to find the way to make the customer satisfied as possible as they can. For example, when the customer first come in, the waiter greeting with them by welcoming and asking how they are. After that ask them how many they would like to serving today and where they would like to sit. Wait until everyone on that table is sitting down completely and handing them the menu on the left side of the customer. Before the waiter ask the customer for a beverage and check if they have any question about the restaurant please wait about 3-5 minute. When you finish serving asking the customer if they are ready to order their meal. If so start to write the dishes down in order from appetizer, soup, and main dish. Also, don’t forget to ask them that they would like to serve in order or all together. Sending the order to the kitchen and bring the food that the customer want first such as soup or appetizer. Refilling the water when you see it decreased about half of the glass and also checking on the customer about how was the food and do they finish the app or soup. If they are finish, take the soup and the plate out of the way to make the table as empty as possible. Then, bring the rest of the dishes that they order to them and the sauce along with it. While they are eating don’t forget to check on the water and the food but yet don’t forget to talk to them as well to make them more comfortable. If the customer have any concern about anything listen to them because if you can not solve this problem for them but they will feel less angry due to you’re a good listener. Always smile no matter what. If a person get angry, that person can create the change of environment in the restaurant.That’s the reason why the relationship between waiter and customer play in important role of my working at the restaurant experiences.


5. What is your senior project topic going to be?  How did what you did help you choose a topic?  Please explain.

My senior project topic is going to be about Thai restaurant management. I always do thing from what I have a passion with. I follow my heart basically. I also want to learn in specific detail about culinary art area. Since I have a chance why not try it and see how am I liking or not. In addition, I could see what I am and develop part that I’m lacking off. The best idea for choosing this topic is I want to learn what is the real meaning of being as a culinary career.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Blog #1

1.  What presentations did you see?
  1. Pharmacy by Dilan Desai
  2. Cosmetology by Emily Vysma
  3. Photography Galleries by Viviana Bravo
  4. Suicidal Youth by Paola Rodriguez
  5. Video Game Graphic Design by Patrick Montoya
  6. Architecture by Bryan Uribe
  7. Personality Disorders by Kimberly Gallardo
  8. Music Industry by Emmely Avila
  9. Piano by Alyssa Casey
  10. Bakery by Beladonna Ontiveros
  11. Culinary Arts by Madisyn Delgado
  12. Marketing Management by Vanessa Pacheco
  13. Advertising by Gabriela Murillo
  14. Theater acting by Gustavo Rios
  15. Business Management by Tannia Negrete
  16. Marine biology by Felicia Stears

2.   What questions do you have that haven't been answered about the senior project? This can be about the senior project in general, any components or about a presentation topic you saw or what they said.  

  • How many project are we going to have throughout the year in total?
  • How seniors team help students come up with their essential question?  How are we going to know this EQ is effective or not?
  • My senior project is restaurant management. When I saw senior presentation about management, they are mostly the same or similar both in EQ & answer. How can that happen? Are we allow to have same thing?
  • On the independence component, what is the restriction or requirement of it? I saw a lot of people just do their independence component just only the business card. Is that can be that easy?
  • How many resources that we need to make it professional and what is the requirement?
  • Are we able to choose where and when we are going to present?
  • Do you think is it enough for completing only 60 hours to actually learn the topic that senior student choose?
3. What has the most important part of the senior project based on what you are seeing in the 2-hour presentations?
  • Passion: You have to love what are you doing otherwise you are not going to search or try to know about in depth of the topic. Eventhough you can but your energy is not there. if the presenter doesn’t have energy to maintain herself how that person is going to spread the energy to the audience and the room itself.
  • Activity: I know everyone properly got the content and how to present their stuff well because we’re Ipoly student. The activity can demonstrate how your contents are in visual. when we come up with the activity, we should create the activity that can interact with audience nicely like is not too much and too little. By saying not too much means not too much in the way that audiences don’t feel uncomfortable to do the activity.
  • The journey of your own topic: The more you take time during your mentorship is the more things you are able to learn. When you learn more, the better you can up the answers to your EQ and EQ will be.

4. What topic are you considering doing and why?
The topic that I am considering to do for my senior project is restaurant management because this is what I have a passion with. I love to cook. I love to create a new dish in everyday. Cooking is a part of me and it is an art that you can painting with the color and taste. I also like to socialize with other people which will be fit in the waitress. I’m looking forward to take a cooking class and learn into depth what is really about restaurant management. How am I can be a good restaurant manager? What does I might take to be an awesome restaurant management? Basically, the journey of it that is count.

5. What are you doing for your summer mentorship?
I personally excited what I am going to learn about restaurant management. I’m going to be train in every single career that we have in the restaurant. Begin with a dishwasher, waitress, cooking, and managing. It seem pretty cool for me because I’m going to be hand on and feel what is the tension and enjoyment that they have in particular career.