Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Wonton Stuff

        Late in a day after having some dessert. My stomach start crying and making noise. So, I decided to make a " wonton stuff" for my lunch and diner. Of course, It wraps with a egg roll skin. the stuff in side is a combination of ground chicken, potato, and pineapple. I chose chicken because we don't have pork meat in the restaurant that I can use. I chose potato because it will give you crunchy and soft textures at the same time. For the pineapple is for make the chicken softer and bring the flavor. I love pineapple that one of my reason too. Before I fried them, I was mixed the stuffs with sauces, herbs, and salt. This is the result of my dish. Now, It's time to try some!

wonton stuff

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Blog #19: Independent Component 2

  1. Include this statement: "I, Papitchaya Sutthisoonthorn, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 60 hours of work"
  2. My resources
  3. Here's the link of my updated Independent Component 2.
  4. I created a "KillerWhaleHaven" magazine. In this magazine is about the passion of my future career, activities that you can do, and interview with the employees. 
Interpretive & Applied:
She is having fun where she belong
         When I came up with creating my own magazine, I wasn't expect that will take up so many times. First, I have to come up the idea what I will put in the magazine. What should I named it? How could I word it that describe who I am? That's when I came up with the name, "Killerwhale Haven". You might think what is the kind of name is that? Do mean you are a whale killer? No, I am not. In my meaning of killerwhale Haven is I love killerwhale and my personality is similarly to it. For the haven is
like a happiness place which when I'm doing something in hospitality related I feel that. The "Killerwhale Haven" is about me doing what I have a passion with. After come up with the name of my Magazine I started to outline what I will be put in the giant booklet. Of course, I should start from design a cover. Following with Activities that you can do in Old Town Pasadena, City Thai restaurant, my dream, my passion, food that I created, and interviews with employee. When we are doing something, we all need plans to keep us on track. Plans isn't mean that you have to complete in order what you wrote. If it's according to the plan, that great. But it doesn't it's no big deal. Working in the restaurant the owner and employees always have a meeting once a month to creating what would need to be improve or maintain upon. Reality is harder than what we discuss. The employees have to go with the flow and able to solve a problem right away. Magazine is a journal that have alternative stories or suggestion for people. For activities page, I researched about what is possible place that I can do around there. Looking up isn't enough I have to experience those places as well. How can you talk about it if you never experience it once?
Diagonal to City Thai restaurant   
Writing a magazine is very details and time consuming same as the restaurant. Customers might see the restaurant is the place where people come and eat. It's not that hard to just have a chef to make a food, waitress to sever the food, owner to buy the fresh food, and a dish washer to clean a dish. If you have this four things your restaurant will survive and moving in a pretty good chef. I would agree with them before I am experience working in a restaurant. NO! chef cannot just make the food for the customer to eat. The chef has to know how the food ingredients react in certain season. NO! waitress cannot just throw your dishes on the table. The waitress has to know how to communicate and provide what customers needed. NO! owner cannot just do inventory and buy foods. The owner has to be in the restaurant at least four days in a week to make sure everything going well and organize. and NO! dish washer cannot just clean the dishes. The dish washer has to keep everything clean and not broken. These are some of the duties that everyone who work in the restaurant has to do. YOu need to be hand-on to understand what is it like to work in a restaurant. It's not only you know what's going on the restaurant. You also have to know another restaurants or places around your location. By knowing I meant connecting with other people around this area so they can help you or you can help them when the problem occurs. Or even help each others out by giving a alternate promotion.
The place that I went to put on my magazine is North Simon Museum, Pasadena Ice Skating center, Pasadena City hall, others restaurant, and shopping stores. They are all such a fantastic experiences. If I have enough money to open a restaurant, I would want to open it in Old Town Pasadena. Even it's old but it's a style that people would like to revisit at any time. Now! I have a pretty descent amount of pages in magazine but I don't have anything that personal yet. I decided to add my own dream and how I can accomplished that. Also, how I have met a passion of my life. I'm sound like a poetic person but that what me become a unique person. Passion is what keep my dream alive and be realistic. Same as a restaurant you have to have a passion to work in the restaurant otherwise you will be just a robot who is only work for money. That's all!  Not only that I added my creation of food into this magazine as well because you work in the restaurant you need to have some inspiration to keep your work moving forward. This process make me understand sometime you have to be patient to get a great result.
Do it fast doesn't mean you have the best result. Let's your brain function thing around you. If I put everything about myself, my magazine might be bias in my ideal of a perfect of the restaurant would be. So, I resolved my biasses by interview five different interviewees. Each one of them have different ideas of how to work in the restaurant but at the end of the day everyone said the same thing that they want the restaurant to be successful and moving forward from time to time. About decorating the magazine taught me just let's it be and enjoy your moment with others that what's make to picture of your life memorable.
This second independent component has taught me so many things including ensure all of answers are in a good shape. Location attraction is important to make customers to come back to the restaurant. Nobody wants to go the restaurant just to eat. They want to do something else around there such as shopping, eating some dessert, relaxing in a park, watching sports or concerts, or educating themselves at the museum. Also, the employees should have a passion in what they are working on because it will encourage their working habits. Everyone shouldn't limit their own creativity and freedom while working in the restaurant. Don't hesitate to try new things and take responsibility in what you do. In addition, this component has been teaching me about how to work with others people in different ages, ideas, and experiences. The differences can be a pretty fascinating if we can embrace who they are. Be strict when you have too but be happy while you can!