Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Cookie for life

        Late in a day while finishing up my homework, I was inspired to bake a cookie. I started with looking up the ingredient and recipe as a regular cookie. Then, I adapted into a coffee cookie with a chocolate almond dip. A taste of a coffee is representing the bitterness of life that we all have to face. Sweetness is a life after learning what is a bitter in life. Yet, fun and obstacle are mixers that make your life in a middle path because always have those things to make it up for you.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Improving the cupcakes

   After the first time I have done the cupcakes from scratch. It turns out okay. Some said that they like the based cake better. Some also said they like both. Oh well! Thats part of marketing in the restaurant. You can not make everyone favorite but you can make majority of them like yours. that's a FACT!

    Fortunately, Sara sent me a link how to make a foundation of the cake. Thank you Sara for that!:D So I started doing that by divided into three and moving some ingredients around. And again this cupcakes will not be make if Marissa didn't let me borrow her strand mixers. Thanks once more time.
I came up with 6 flavor of cupcakes which are Thai tea, Corn, Berries, Peach &orange, Almond with chocolate, and apple with honey. Everything getting better and better because "Practice make it perfect!"

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Resulting for first time

        Hi guys, I was finishing this cupcakes On Nov 8, 2014. I have been so busy lately. Thank you to Marissa who letting me use the stand mixer (Kitchen Aid). I made a Vanilla Cupcakes with M&M as the base. I did strawberry frosting and I was dropping the Vanilla Flavor so much so it came out weird. I brought to school so my friends could try it. They said, " they love the base of the cake but not so much on the topping".

The Ingredients are............ ( picture below)